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The test design and the test framework are totally

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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Automated Testing @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 16Mar2025 at 1:26am

Topic: The test design and the test framework are totally
Posted By: sindhu
Subject: The test design and the test framework are totally
Date Posted: 11Apr2007 at 10:10pm

The test design and the test framework are totally separate entities.

The test design details how the particular functions and features of our application will be tested. It will tell us what to do, how and when to do it, what data to use as input, and what results we expect to find. All of this is specific to the particular application or item being tested. Little of this requires any knowledge or care of whether the application will be tested automatically or manually. It is, essentially, the "how to" of what needs to be tested in the application.

On the other hand, the test framework, or specifically, the test automation framework is an execution environment for automated tests. It is the overall system in which our tests will be automated. The development of this framework requires completely different technical skills than those needed for test design.

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