Certain words have different meaning to different people.
So here are definitions of some words used during the testing of systems and applications.
Differences in meaning can often be emotional because of a misunderstanding
about the concreteness and formality of discussions.
- AUT is an acronym for Application Under Test.
- SUT is an acronym for System Under Test.
- CUT is an acronym for Component Under Test.
- Test results from running (executing) test cases are evaluated using a verdict.
In test management systems, a verdict is a property of a test case within its test suite.
Verdict values focus on whether test results give evidence for the correctness of the SUT:
- Pass = test results conclusively give evidence for the correctness of the SUT examined by a specific valid test case.
- Fail
= test results conclusively give evidence that the SUT does not meet
the requirements and specifications examined by a specific valid test
- Inconclusive = test results do not
conclusively prove that a Pass or Fail verdict can be given. An example
is when a test run stopped earlier than planned.
- Test Error = the test case or test
system itself cannot properly examine the SUT. An example is when test
script encounters a value not anticpated by the test case.