Synchronization Point
For Obj/Win Properties:
- Open start->Programs->Win Runner->Sample applications->Flight1A.
- Open winrunner window
- Create->RecordContext Sensitive
- Insert information for new Order &click on "insert Order" button
- After inserting click on "delete" button
- Stop - - recording & save the file.
- Run->Run from top: Gives your results.
Without Synchronization:
- settings->General Options->Click on "Run" tab.
"Timeout for checkpoints& Cs statements’ value:10000
follow 1 to 7->the test display on "Error Message" that "delete" button is - - disabled .
With Synchronization:
- Keep Timeout value:1000 only
- Go to the Test Script file, insert pointed after "Insert Order" button, press statement.
- Create->Synchronization->For Obj/Window Property
- Click on"Delete Order" button & select enable property; click on "paste".
- It inserts the Synch statement.
For Obj/Win Bitmap:
- Create-> Record Context Sensitive.
- Insert information for new order & click on "Insert order" button
- Stop recording & save the file.
- Go to the TSL Script, just before inserting of data into "date of flight" insert pointer.
- Create->Synchronization->For Obj/Win Bitmap is selected.
- (Make sure - - flight
- Run->Run from Top; results are displayed.
Note:(Keep "Timeout value" :1000)
Get Text: From Screen Area: Get Text: For Object/Window:
- Open a "Calc" application in two windows
(Assuming two are two versions)
- Create->get text->for Obj/Window
- Click on some button in one window
- Stop recording
- Repeat 1 to 4 for Capture the text of same object from another "Calc" application.
- Add the following TSL(Note:Change "text" to text1 & text2 for each statement)
report_msg("correct" text1);
report_msg("incorrect" text2);
- Run & see the results
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