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Software Testing Automation

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Automated Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Automated Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 23Mar2025 at 5:15pm

Topic: Software Testing Automation
Posted By: Tamana
Subject: Software Testing Automation
Date Posted: 04Apr2007 at 4:32am
Industry analysts predict that during the second half of this decade, increases in software testing activity will be fuelled by software testing automation. - Automated testing tools have matured and ROI to a state where ROI (return on investment) need no longer be a pipe dream.

This will allow more people to be engaged in software test automation with better testing tools. Yet there are still far too many programmes where automation is not delivering on this promise. The main drivers seem to be inflated expectations created by unrealistic ROI in business cases; poor planning and management; and poor skills in implementing the automated testing solution.

It is important to consider automation of the test environment as early as possible and design it into the system from the outset. It's also important to recognise that automation is not appropriate for every project or for all testing on any particular project.

We can help you achieve this balance so that the benefit from test automation at the right time and in the right way.

When designing for automation, some of the pitfalls to avoid are:
  • don't be dogmatic and automate everything. You need to be selective and concentrate on common and repetitive tasks
  • make sure the ROI is realistic. The costs can be high in the short term and initially outweigh the benefits. It is key that credible payback on investment is calculated.
  • make sure that the staff have suitable levels of skill and experience. If you're using some types of - automated tool this can reduce the required skill level across all the testing teams.
  • create modular test scripts and data driven testing to improve the parameterisation of the solution.

Posted By: cprasenjit26
Date Posted: 18May2009 at 2:12pm
Thank you for your guidance. - Software testing tutorial

Posted By: yoyoelfares
Date Posted: 01Jun2009 at 10:39am
thanks for your help
but i need deep illustration about more topics of testing
in real life

Posted By: yoyoelfares
Date Posted: 01Jun2009 at 10:41am
is there any body know  & have adeep skills
of software testing tools constructing?

Posted By: yoyoelfares
Date Posted: 01Jun2009 at 10:43am
i need some one to help me in building testing tools ourselves

Posted By: yoyoelfares
Date Posted: 01Jun2009 at 10:44am
i need areal help if any body have the skills
please contact me by any way

Posted By: houzeal
Date Posted: 15Jun2009 at 11:30pm
Thank  for your help

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