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Need Tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: General @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Members Introductions @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 28Mar2025 at 7:34am

Topic: Need Tools
Posted By: a_ashokshimla
Subject: Need Tools
Date Posted: 14Aug2008 at 5:52am

My name is Ashok  Sharma & working as a Web Site Tester (Manual Testing) in IT software company..

I need some help for Automation testing tool (which is for performance,load,stress,specially for website testing )...regarding its setup or configuration etc ..So that i can use it....

Can u all please provide me the notes  how to use automation tools...Also setup of the tools..

Posted By: creative_hyd
Date Posted: 18Nov2009 at 6:36am

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