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WebPerformance Trainer

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 29Mar2025 at 6:16pm

Topic: WebPerformance Trainer
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: WebPerformance Trainer
Date Posted: 23Oct2007 at 5:36am
WebPerformance Trainer

Load test tool emphasizing ease-of-use, from WebPerformance Inc. Supports all browsers and web servers; simulates up to 750 users per playback machine at various connection speeds; records and allows viewing of exact bytes flowing between browser and server; no scripting required. Modem simulation allows each virtual user to be bandwidth limited. Can automatically handle variations in session-specific items such as cookies, usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and any other parameter to simulate multiple virtual users. For Windows, Linux, Solaris, most UNIX variants.

Posted By: vplmega
Date Posted: 03Jul2009 at 5:20am
Web Performance Load Tester offers you all the essential advanced features of a Web load testing tool within an easy-to-use interface. It allows you to capture the activity of thousands of virtual users on your Web application and playback complex test cases while changing the simulation settings dynamically.You can get more resources from - here   like articles , ebooks, applications, etc,..


Posted By: cprasenjit26
Date Posted: 09Jul2009 at 4:51am
Very useful topics.
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