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Java Test Tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 30Mar2025 at 11:16pm

Topic: Java Test Tools
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: Java Test Tools
Date Posted: 23Oct2007 at 3:08am
TCAT for Java
Part of Software Research's TestWorks suite of test tools; code coverage analyzer and code analysis for Java; written in Java.

Sun's Java Test Tools
As of February 4, 2000 Sun discontinued accepting orders for these products.

Intel's performance tuning tool for applications running on Intel processors; includes Java support. Includes suggestions for optimization techniques.

DevPartner Java Edition

Compuware's (formerly NuMega) debugging/productivity tool to detect and diagnose Java bugs and memory and performance problems; thread and event analysis, coverage analysis. Integrates with several Java IDE's.

ParaSoft's Jtest is an integrated, automatic unit testing and standards compliance tool for Java. It automatically generates and executes JUnit tests and checks whether code follows 400 coding standards and can automatically correct for many.

Profiler, thread debugger, and code coverage tool suite from Borland (formerly from VMGear).

Krakatau Metrics for Java
Software metrics tool from Power Software includes more than 70 OO, procedural, complexity, and size metrics related to reusability, maintainability, testability, and clarity. Includes Cyclomatic Complexity, Enhanced Cyclomatic Complexity, Halstead Software Science metrics, LOC metrics and MOOD metrics. Has online advisor for quality improvement

JProbe Developer Suite
Collection of Java debugging tools from Quest Software; includes JProbe Profiler and JProbe Memory Debugger for finding performance bottlenecks and memory leaks, LProbe Coverage code coverage tool, and JProbe Threadalyzer for finding deadlocks, stalls, and race conditions. JProfiler freeware version available.

Low-overhead, user-friendly performance diagnosis tool from Quest Software for distributed J2EE applications. Traces and reconstructs execution path of end-user transactions across all components of a clustered multi-tieer J2EE system, to diagnose and resolve performance bottlenecks. Hundreds of easily-confugured run-time, OS, and network metrics.

Panorama for Java
Visual environment containing six integrated java tools from ISA, Inc. J_SQA for Object-Oriented software quality measurement; J_DocGen for Java code static analysis; J_Structure for Java code structure analysis and diagramming; J_Diagrammer for Java code logic analysis, control flow analysis and diagramming; J_Test for test coverage analysis and test case minimization, etc.; and J_Playback for GUI operation capture and automatic playback.

Java source code visualization tool from Headway Software. Reverse engineer and automatically lay out and view code, components, and dependencies for Java, C, and C++ applications. Shows all dependencies, at all levels and between all levels; method, class, package, application.

Java code test coverage analysis tool from Codework Limited. Works with source or compiled files. Gathers coverage measures of branches, statements, methods, classes, file, package and produces reports in multiple formats. Coverage difference comparison between runs. Coverage API provided

Source code audit and metrics tool from BlueBay systems. Fifty different audits and metrics, compiler-style output, integrates with a variety of editors/IDE's, configurable, integrates with build tools for quality gate and reporting, highly scalable.

Code coverage tool for Java from Cenqua. Fully integrated plugin for NetBeans, JBuilder, and other IDE's. Seamless integration with projects using Apache ANT. View coverage data in XML, HTML, PDF, or via a Swing GUI.

Freeware Java benchmarking framework to compare algorithms, virtual machines, etc. for speed. Available as binary distribution (including documentation), source distribution, or jar file.

A Java library that is used to create automated tests for Java GUI applications. Contains methods to reproduce all user actions which can be performed on Swing/AWT components (i.e. button pushing, text typing, tree node expanding, ...). JemmyTest is a program written in Java which uses the Jemmy API to test applications; it can be used separately as well as together with the NetBeans IDE.

Framework for developing automated testing of Java Swing-based applications at the UI layer (as opposed to testing at lower layers, for which JUnit may be sufficient). Provides recording and playback capabilities. Also available as plugins for JBuilder and Eclipse. Free Open Source Software from SourceForge site.

JUnit - Framework to write repeatable java unit tests
A regression testing framework written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. For use by developers implementing unit tests in Java. Free Open Source Software released under the IBM Public License and hosted on SourceForge. Site includes a large collection of extensions and documentation.

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