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The GUI Map

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 07Mar2025 at 5:32pm

Topic: The GUI Map
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: The GUI Map
Date Posted: 15Oct2007 at 4:35am
The GUI Map

GUI Map is a repository of information created by WinRunner where it will store information about the GUI elements in our app like buttons, textboxes, menus, windows etc. Each GUI object has some properties like height, width, back color, class name. Etc. Some of these properties are used by WinRunner to identify the objects.

When the GUI map is created WinRunner tries to identify each object uniquely using minimum possible properties as stores it in the map. Each object is also assigned a unique name. These names are used through out the script for identifying the objects.

For each object there are some properties called obligatory and some as optional. Whenever identifying the object WinRunner definitely records the obligatory properties and uses them to identify it. It will record optional properties only when the obligatory properties are unable to identify the object uniquely.
Any test written on the same application can use the same map file. This also simplifies maintenance. If perchance the interface changes we just need to update the map and the tests are ready for the new version.

Class: A class is a type of GUI object, which has a certain properties and behavior.

Class Name: A name each class has and is identified with.

Predefined classes:
These are classes that are native to WinRunner. It understands all their properties automatically, e.g. push_button, edit, list, check_button, syslistview etc. It also has one generic class Object. WinRunner recognizes any GUI element as Object if it is unable to map it to any predefined classes.

Custom classes: These are classes, which cannot be recognized by WinRunner. These are called custom classes or user-defined classes. These are mapped to Object class by default. We can map it to some other predefined class by using the GUI map configuration tool.

GUI maps can be created and modified by using the GUI Map Editor Tool.

This used literally spy on other applications and try to learn properties of the objects. To spy, click on Tools ->GUI Spy. Click on the hand icon and point to the object you want to spy. In the spy’s window you can see the properties and their values. You can select view either all the properties or only recorded properties. This can be used to know if WinRunner recognizes a particular GUI element.

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