Features & Benefits
Ensure immediate return on investment through industry-leading ease of use and pre-configured environment support.
Operate stand-alone, or integrated into Mercury Business Process Testing and Mercury Quality Center.
next-generation "zero-configuration" Keyword Driven testing technology
in QuickTest Professional — allowing for fast test creation, easier
maintenance, and more powerful data-driving capability.
Promote collaboration and sharing of test assets among testing groups through enterprise class object repository.
objects with Unique Smart Object Recognition, even if they change from
build to build, enabling reliable unattended script execution.
Manage multiple object repositories with ease to facilitate the building of automation frameworks and libraries.
Handle unforeseen application events with Recovery Manager, facilitating 24x7 testing to meet test project deadlines.
time to resolve defects by automatically reproducing defects and
identify problems with the built-in test execution recorder.
Collapse test documentation and test creation to a single step with Auto-documentation technology.
Easily data-drive any object definition, method, checkpoint, and output value via the Integrated Data Table.
Provide a complete IDE environment for QA engineers.
your investments in Mercury WinRunner by leveraging existing test
scripts written in the Test Scripting Language (TSL) with assets from
the QuickTest Professional/WinRunner integration.
Provide detailed, step by step report – now with video.
Enable thorough validation of applications through a full complement of checkpoints.