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Functional Testing - An Introduction

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Functional Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Functional Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 28Mar2025 at 7:30pm

Topic: Functional Testing - An Introduction
Posted By: Shankar
Subject: Functional Testing - An Introduction
Date Posted: 23Feb2007 at 3:21pm

Functional test cases are derived from the functional requirements of the software and are the basis for system testing. These help you in testing if the required functionality is working as per the specifications and if the expected result is correct.


AdventNet QEngine facilitates Functional testing using a tool called "Functional Test Studio".


Follow the below given links to learn how to use Functional Test Studio to develop test cases and test application's functionality:




Explains - Getting Started

This section explains how to start Functional Test Studio and also familiarizes you with its interfaces such as screens, menus and toolbar icons. - Functional Test Development

This section explains how to define functional test cases, specify validation to be done, verifying results, possible configurations and customizations. - Tutorial

This section provides sample illustration for Functional test case development. - Tips

This section provides you some useful tips and workarounds which will help in developing function test cases.



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