For processes to improve anything, they must be used. To be used, they must be useful. It is best if they are tested using pilot projects, refined, and then put into more widespread use.
The people doing the work need the appropriate skills to use the methods, tools and written procedures. Helping them acquire the skills to support new or modified processes is the most challenging and time consuming part of process improvement. Often people expect others to start using new processes, methods, or tools simply because they arrive on their desks. In other cases, an overview course is provided with little or no follow-up to ensure that the practices are put into place. Good implementation requires significant training and guidance or assistance as people try the new skills.
Many organizations try to do too much too fast. Once the dust settles, they realize that they cannot sustain what they have created. Improvement priorities should be carefully set and managed so that new practices are introduced at a speed that people can absorb.
Some questions to use to determine if your process improvement program is serving your needs:
Good process improvement efforts balance the business needs, the writing of processes and providing help in getting those processes used.
The true test of process improvement is to look around and see if something has improved. Something should be better, quicker, easier, more enjoyable, or more profitable. If the effort hasn't helped you run your business, it may have been a futile effort and will evaporate with time.