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test plan content and uses

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Category: Testing Jobs @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Queries @ Testing Jobs
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Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 1:47am

Topic: test plan content and uses
Posted By: priyamathi
Subject: test plan content and uses
Date Posted: 09Jan2008 at 11:23pm
what is test plan content and uses? anyone give me a suggestion.

Posted By: thangavelshanmu
Date Posted: 24Apr2008 at 11:21pm
Test  plan
test plan is  like a road map of entire testing  activity
it describes
 what will do ?
where will do(testing)?
who will do(testing)?
it contents
1 Scope of testing
2 Purpose
3 Roles&responsibility
4 Time schedule
5 Entry&exit criteria
6 Deliverables
7 Risk criteria
8 Training  need? if Yes how many session
9 Tools
10 Test environment
11 If any attachements
12 Decide  no of testcycles
                                                  KS  THANGAVEL
                                                  [email protected]

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