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Software Testing process model

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Software Process Improvement
Forum Discription: It includes lots of process oriented things like requirements engineering, risk management, software peer reviews, project management, metrics, and process assessment etc.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 9:05am

Topic: Software Testing process model
Posted By: Deepti_004
Subject: Software Testing process model
Date Posted: 05May2007 at 5:31am

A process can be very large or it can be rather small depending on your needs.
Things that you might include in your test process (as subprocesses) can be:
1. Test planning stage (with a software test plan as output)
2. Test preparations (with test specifications as output)
3. Software integration (with an executable system as output)
4. Test execution (with result records as output)

You should also consider handling of error reports, CM-issues, test tools, inputs that are needed from other processes (such as requirements, design specs etc.).

Try to write your processes (subprocesses) with the following parts:
1. Introduction
2. Start conditions
3. Input data
4. Activities
5. Output data
6. Exit conditions
7. Roles/distribution of responsibility

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