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Test cases for ATM Machine

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
Printed Date: 03Mar2025 at 11:06pm

Topic: Test cases for ATM Machine
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Test cases for ATM Machine
Date Posted: 17Nov2009 at 10:25pm

1. Machine is accepting ATM card

2. Machine is rejecting expired card

3. successful entry of PIN number

4. unsuccessful operation due to enter wrong PIN number 3 times

5. successful selection of language

6. successful selection of account type

7. unsuccessful operation due to invalid account type

8. successful selection of amount to be withdraw

9. successful withdrawal.

10. Expected message due to amount is greater than day limit

11. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to lack of money in ATM

12. Expected message due to amount to withdraw is greater than possible balance.

13. unsuccessful withdraw operation due to click cancel after insert card

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