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Copying an Object to the Local Object Repository

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: QuickTest Pro @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: QuickTest Pro is a fresh approach to automated software and application testing that addresses testing needs of both business analysts and Quality Assurance professionals.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 2:22pm

Topic: Copying an Object to the Local Object Repository
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: Copying an Object to the Local Object Repository
Date Posted: 01Dec2009 at 11:39pm
Copying an Object to the Local Object Repository

If you want to modify an object stored in a shared object repository, you can modify it using the Object Repository Manager, or you can modify it locally using the Object Repository window.

If you modify it using the Object Repository Manager, the changes you make will be reflected in all components that use the shared object repository. If you make a local copy of the object and modify it in the Object Repository window, the changes you make will affect only the component in which you make the change. If you later modify the same object in the shared object repository, your changes will not affect the local copy of the object in your component.

In addition, during a run session, QuickTest will use the object in the local object repository because when an component uses an object contained in both local and shared repositories, QuickTest always searches for and uses objects in the local object repository before using objects in a shared object repository.

When copying an object to the local object repository, consider the following:

To copy an object to the local object repository:

  1. In the Object Repository window, select an object from a shared object repository that you want to copy to the local object repository. Objects in a shared object repository are colored gray. You can select more than one object to copy, as long as the selected objects have the same parent objects.
  2. Choose Object > Copy to Local or right-click the object(s) and choose Copy to Local. The object(s) (and parent objects) are copied to the local object repository and are made editable.

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