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When the bug is fixed, more or less.

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Bug Report @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: After Creating the Test Plan, Writing the Test Cases and using them, Finally We need to generate those Bug Reports which Proves that Testers are Good enough & most importantly Indispensable.
Printed Date: 03Mar2025 at 8:13am

Topic: When the bug is fixed, more or less.
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: When the bug is fixed, more or less.
Date Posted: 28Jul2009 at 12:23am
The boomerang returns...In many organizations, the people who file bug reports are asked to verify the fix when the fix is completed. Or you may be testing the fix for a bug someone else submitted. My goal is to complete this step with at least as many bugs open as when I started. 
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Of course, you should try to reproduce the bug the way you originally reported it. Sometimes, the problem is still there, as if nothing at all was fixed. Perhaps because of a configuration management glitch, the fix isn't in the build you have. Or maybe there's something specific about my configuration that I either didn't report or the programmer didn't think was significant. When I reject a bug fix outright, I try to include additional details about my configuration and exactly how I reproduced the bug. I use different wording than I did the first time around to help reduce any misunderstanding. And I write with a tone that expresses puzzlement rather than condemnation. In almost all cases, the programmer really did make an effort to fix the bug, and we need to recognize that effort. 
What if the fix did some good but doesn't address the bug to your satisfaction? You have a judgement call to make. If the changes to the - Open one or more new bug reports, describing the additional changes you would like to see. Doing this before closing the existing bug will help make sure you don't get distracted and forget to follow up, and it will give you the ID numbers for the new bugs that you can reference in the comments when you close out the old report. It's good to leave a trail between related bugs. 
On the other hand, if the fix is really unfinished, go ahead and reject it; send the bug back to the programmer. Maybe an obvious new bug was introduced, or some small detail was overlooked. It would be easier for the programmer to clean things up while the code is still fresh on her mind than to wait for a new bug report to filter through the - relationship

with the programmers, you'll get a good result either way.

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Posted By: cool7575
Date Posted: 30Jul2009 at 3:24am
it depends on the project contract and severity of the defect. You cannot send a defect to UAT with is critical. Also you cannot fix all the defects before UAT if it is a big application.

Thanks - Software Testing

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