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WinRunner New Features

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 05Oct2024 at 11:41am

Topic: WinRunner New Features
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: WinRunner New Features
Date Posted: 07Jul2009 at 6:53am

What's New in WinRunner 7.5?Tongue

Automatic Recovery

The Recovery Manager provides an easy-to-use wizard that guides you through the process of defining a recovery scenario.

You can specify one or more operations that enable the test run to continue after an exception event occurs. This functionality is especially useful during unattended test runs, when errors or crashes could interrupt the testing process until manual intervention occurs.

Silent Installation

Now you can install WinRunner in an unattended mode using previously recorded installation preferences. This feature is especially beneficial for those who use enterprise software management products or any automated software distribution mechanisms.

Enhanced Integration with TestDirector

WinRunner works with both TestDirector 6.0, which is client/server-based, and TestDirector 7.x, which is Web-based. When reporting defects from WinRunner’s test results window, basic information about the test and any checkpoints can be automatically populated in TestDirector’s defect form. WinRunner now supports version control, which enables updating and revising test scripts while maintaining old versions of each test.

Support for Terminal Servers

Support for Citrix and Microsoft Terminal Servers makes it possible to open several window clients and run WinRunner on each client as a single user. Also, this can be used with LoadRunner to run multiple WinRunner Vusers.

Support for More Environments

WinRunner 7.5 includes support for Internet Explorer 6.x and Netscape 6.x, Windows XP and Sybase's PowerBuilder 8, in addition to 30+ environments already supported by WinRunner 7.

WinRunner provides the most powerful, productive and cost-effective solution for verifying enterprise application functionality. For more information on WinRunner, contact a Mercury Interactive local representative for pricing, evaluation, and distribution information.

WinRunner(Features & Benefits)

Test functionality using multiple data combinations in a single test

WinRunner's DataDriver Wizard eliminates Programming to automate testing for large volumes of data. This saves testers significant amounts of time preparing scripts and allows for more thorough testing.

Significantly increase power and flexibility of tests without any programming

The Function Generator presents a quick and error-free way to design tests and enhance scripts without any programming knowledge. Testers can simply point at a GUI object, and WinRunner will examine it, determine its class and suggest an appropriate function to be used.

Use multiple verification types to ensure sound functionality

WinRunner provides checkpoints for text, GUI, bitmaps, URL links and the database, allowing testers to compare expected and actual outcomes and identify potential problems with numerous GUI objects and their functionality.

Verify data integrity in your back-end database

Built-in Database Verification confirms values stored in the database and ensures transaction accuracy and the data integrity of records that have been updated, deleted and added.

View, store and verify at a glance every attribute of tested objects

WinRunner’s GUI Spy automatically identifies, records and displays the properties of standard GUI objects, ActiveX controls, as well as Java objects and methods. This ensures that every object in the user interface is recognized by the script and can be tested.

Maintain tests and build reusable scripts

The GUI map provides a centralized object repository, allowing testers to verify and modify any tested object. These changes are then automatically propagated to all appropriate scripts, eliminating the need to build new scripts each time the application is modified.

Test multiple environments with a single application

WinRunner supports more than 30 environments, including Web, Java, Visual Basic, etc. In addition, it provides targeted solutions for such leading ERP/CRM applications as SAP, Siebel, PeopleSoft and a number of others.

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