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Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: TestDirector @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: TestDirector is a single, Web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management.
Printed Date: 10Feb2025 at 7:56pm

Topic: difference
Posted By: vk1234_1
Subject: difference
Date Posted: 24Nov2007 at 4:25am
What is different between test cases and test scenario

Posted By: QualityByDesign
Date Posted: 13Apr2008 at 11:46am
A test scenario is a broad-based definition of steps to be carried out to test a product.
For Ex.
1)Create new user.
2)Create new Thread in an existing Forum.
These 3 steps will form a Test-Scenario for this forum.
As you must have seen it requires lot of prior knowledge of the product.

While a Test Case is a point-to-point walk through of steps to test a program.
1)Click on Register.
2)Click in the Text Field for User Name.
3)Fill in the username..
..and so on.
This will be a Test Case for the User Registration on this forum.
As you must have noticed,
Test Scenario covers a larger scope than a Test Case.
Both are essential parts of Functional and Regression Testing.

"Act in haste and repent at leisure.
Corollary1: Code too soon and re-compile forever.
Corollary 2:Test too fast and debug forever"

Posted By: santoshsapkal
Date Posted: 17Apr2008 at 4:24am
Test Case:
Test Case is combination of Description, Precondition, Input, Output and Procedure to execute Test Case for a perticular object.
Test Scenario:
It is combination of different Test Case and Users for perticular object or for a whole application.
Also there is planning to execute Test Cases, User Activity and Resources.

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