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Test plans in software development

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Plans @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss, Learn and Prepare better and better Test Plans for yourself.
Printed Date: 27Mar2025 at 8:13pm

Topic: Test plans in software development
Posted By: Anamica
Subject: Test plans in software development
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 3:32am
Test plans in software development

    In software testing, a test plan gives detailed testing information regarding an upcoming testing effort, including

    * Scope of testing
    * Schedule
    * Test Deliverables
    * Release Criteria
    * Risks and Contingencies

  Test plan template, IEEE 829 format

   1. Test Plan Identifier (TPI)
   2. References
   3. Introduction
   4. Test Items
   5. Software Risk Issues
   6. Features to be Tested
   7. Features not to be Tested
   8. Approach
   9. Item Pass/Fail Criteria
  10. Entry & Exit Criteria
  11. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements
  12. Test Deliverables
  13. Remaining Test Tasks
  14. Environmental Needs
  15. Staffing and Training Needs
  16. Responsibilities
  17. Schedule
  18. Planning Risks and Contingencies
  19. Approvals
  20. Glossary

  Test plan identifier

Master test plan for the Line of Credit Payment System. TP_PA1.0

[edit] References

List all documents that support this test plan.

Documents that are referenced include:

    * Project Plan
    * System Requirements specifications.
    * High Level design document.
    * Detail design document.
    * Development and Test process standards.
    * Methodology guidelines and examples.
    * Corporate standards and guidelines.


State the purpose of the Plan, possibly identifying the level of the plan (master etc.). This is essentially the executive summary part of the plan.

You may want to include any references to other plans, documents or items that contain information relevant to this project/process.

Identify the objective of the plan or scope of the plan in relation to the forum_posts.asp?TID=105&SID=eb6e865a4ae461f7452a97921b974482# -
 Test items (functions)

These are things you intend to test within the scope of this test plan. Essentially, something you will test, a list of what is to be tested. This can be developed from the software application inventories as well as other sources of documentation and information.

This can be controlled on a local forum_posts.asp?TID=105&SID=eb6e865a4ae461f7452a97921b974482# -

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