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Carrer in Testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Jobs @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Queries @ Testing Jobs
Forum Discription: Any query, doubt, suggestion etc. related to Test Jobs, Question papers etc. can be posted here.
Printed Date: 02Jul2024 at 8:41pm

Topic: Carrer in Testing
Posted By: MyTest
Subject: Carrer in Testing
Date Posted: 16Apr2009 at 12:21am


 I have woked with SilkTest autiomation tool.Have exposure to QTP and manual testing also.
Have one development project experience in Java Struts also.
I just want to know about the future  in Testing career.
What necessery step should take to build a good career in tewsting?
I have just 1.5 yrs experience in Software Industry.
Hope understand.
Expecting suggestions from u all.
Thanks for your support.


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