Automated black box, GUI-level regression test tools are popular in the industry.
According to the popular mythology, people with little programming experience can use
these tools to quickly create extensive test suites. The tools are (allegedly) easy to
use. Maintenance of the test suites is (allegedly) not a problem. Therefore, the story
goes, a development manager can save lots of money and aggravation, and can ship software
sooner, by using one of these tools to replace some (or most) of those pesky testers.
These myths are spread by tool vendors, by executives who don’t understand
testing, and even by testers and test managers who should (and sometimes do) know better.
Some companies have enjoyed success with these tools, but several companies have failed
to use these tools effectively.
In February, thirteen experienced software testers met at the Los Altos Workshop on
Software Testing (LAWST) [2] for two days to discuss patterns of success and failure in
development of maintainable black box regression test suites. Our focus was pragmatic and
experience-based. We started with the recognition that many labs have developed partial
solutions to automation problems. Our goal was to pool practical experience, in order to
make useful progress in a relatively short time. To keep our productivity high, we worked
with a seasoned facilitator (Brian Lawrence), who managed the meeting.
These were the participants: Chris Agruss (Autodesk), Tom Arnold (ST Labs), James Bach
(ST Labs), Jim Brooks (Adobe Systems, Inc.), Doug Hoffman (Software Quality Methods), Cem
Kaner (, Brian Lawrence (Coyote Valley Software Consulting), Tom Lindemuth
(Adobe Systems, Inc.), Brian Marick (Testing Foundations), Noel Nyman (Microsoft), Bret
Pettichord (Unison), Drew Pritsker (Pritsker Consulting), and Melora Svoboda (Electric
Communities). Organizational affiliations are given for identification purposes only.
Participants’ views are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
companies listed.
This paper integrates some highlights of that meeting with some of my other testing