Silk, Flex and correlationID
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: SilkTest @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: SilkTest is an automation tool for testing the functionality of enterprise applications in most versions of Windows, Sun Solaris 9 & 10, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 & 3.0.
Printed Date: 27Mar2025 at 11:55pm
Topic: Silk, Flex and correlationID
Posted By: theokester
Subject: Silk, Flex and correlationID
Date Posted: 30Jun2008 at 12:45pm
I am working on setting up automation for our Flex web app that we'll be releasing in coming months. We are using Silk to run the automation.
However, and I'm a bit of a novice at Silk and Flex among other things ;), our app is passing correlationID as a string when passing various information back and forth. Because correlationID is meant to match up to the messageID, if we have the wrong ID, we get errors. However, since it is dynamically generated, we are always passing the wrong ID.
So, what I need is knowledge of how to create/inject a valid correlationID into our script. Alternately, if someone knows how to turn off correlationID checking (or to allow for a custom test ID that is always accepted), I'd be very grateful.
Checking with our devs, they're not doing any specific calling or referencing to the correlationID so from their perspective it's all handled in low level flex code and they're not sure how it's created.