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Performance testing and Loadrunner 8.1

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 11:18pm

Topic: Performance testing and Loadrunner 8.1
Posted By: Aarti
Subject: Performance testing and Loadrunner 8.1
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 9:39pm
I have a problem with loadrunner scripts. When i set a parameter and fill the file with the needed parameters loadrunner only takes the first row. How can I manage my script so that it takes also the next rows in the file.

Posted By: pallavi0784
Date Posted: 12Mar2008 at 11:33pm
u can use a function lr_advance_param.

The lr_advance_param function causes the script to use the next available value of the parameter.



Posted By: ac.abhijit
Date Posted: 21Apr2008 at 12:14am

Once you plz check the parameter properties like "Select Next row" and "Update Value on" settings.

Select Next row : Sequential
Update Value on : Each iteration

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