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real time testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Functional Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Functional Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 12Mar2025 at 8:46pm

Topic: real time testing
Posted By: tanushree
Subject: real time testing
Date Posted: 25Oct2007 at 4:22am
Using your "data synchronization" question:

Let's assume that an example of real time testing is inputting data into a form and verifying if that form is being spat out with the input data.

In the case of a brokerage application - the inputter buys 400 shares of Intel at the market limit price of $15 per share + the transaction fee of $29.

In order to test the real time functionality, you'll need to have access to to the "back end" to see if the data is passing through, and you'll need be be on the inputter's end to verify that the order was received. Simple enough, eh?

Let's say your testing a product registration process. You have input data that includes the product serial number, the buyer info, etc. You input that serial number and your information and verify that your registration is happening properly.

Another option for real time testing is to test an inventorying system. You are buyer and seller. From the buyer's perspective, you purchase a new iPod from the retailer being tested. From the seller, you'll need to verify that once that order has been placed, the system has picked and depleted inventory count by 1.

Now, let' say that you've got a document management or document package management system. You have a number of documents going into say a loan package for a commercial building. There are a number of inputters: a borrower, a lender, and manager, as an example. You want see that the package can be manipulated from all these user type inputters and that the package is changing, real time, with the actions of the inputters.

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