Performing a software quality audit
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Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Quality Methodologies / Streams @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 07Mar2025 at 6:07pm
Topic: Performing a software quality audit
Posted By: Deep009
Subject: Performing a software quality audit
Date Posted: 30Apr2007 at 3:19am
I have been tasked with performing a software quality audit on the various uncompleted projects ongoing at my company.
I've had a look on the web for the steps that are required to perform
an audit but I'm not finding much in the way of 'how to...'.
My understanding is that a SQ audit is a means of determining where we
are in a project and verifying that what we have developed so far is
what the customer expects. Also I think its an opportunity for QA to
have a first look at the project - a kind of 'where are we, how is it
going, an informal qa check'.
Please correct me if I am way off here.
Does this mean that I should simply review the functional and technical
requirements and verify that the code that is written so far, losely
provides those requirements? I guess I should be coming from a high
level, given that the code is a long way from complete.
I mean, is the purpose to give QA an early sighting of the project, or
is it to verify we are on the right track? If the purpose is to verify
and validate, how do I accomplish this given that the project is not
complete? And should the customer be involved?