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Beta Testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Integration Testing @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 27Oct2024 at 6:17am

Topic: Beta Testing
Posted By: vidhya
Subject: Beta Testing
Date Posted: 28Mar2007 at 5:53am
Beta Testing

Beta testing or Beta testing program is aimed at probing the product on real tasks that customers may have and in real environment customers do have. It helps to answer whether the product solves its target problem and meets expectation of existing and potential customer. It also provides feedback on the readiness of the product for shipment.

In order to be successful with your Beta testing program you need to carefully plan it up-front long before execution. Knowing the goals of the program and aimed functionality helps to focus your development plans on delivering the most critical functionality at the proper time. Additional internal testing may be required to make sure the quality of Beta is acceptable and it will not be the cause of the program failure.

Also in advance, put together the list of participants. Do not expect people to freely agree for participation. You may need some additional motivation to involve more customers into this project. Prizes, additional software options or free maintenance for some period of time may help to build up interest.

While running the program, continuously control its execution. Do not just leave it to flow down the stream for 4 weeks expecting a good feedback at the end. Having some critical update, issues reporting plans is vital for a healthy program.

Another problem is participants unawareness of new functionality. They may need additional input information from you to not miss important things as well as to use system effectively. So give beta testers some guidence (not too detailed otherwise you'll miss important usability feedback) into new functionality.

And the last but not the least, do not plan Beta to the very end of development cycle. You will simple have no time to fix issues.

When the porgram is finished let participants know how their contribution is appriciated and how their feedback allowed to make the product better.

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