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System testing on Web app

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Web Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Web Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 7:51pm

Topic: System testing on Web app
Posted By: Rajika_01
Subject: System testing on Web app
Date Posted: 02May2007 at 3:30am
I have an issue on system testing a web app. In our requirement it says that we will support on Win 95(or higher) with IE4.0 (or higher) or Netscape 4.08 or higher. The issue is the developers seem to think that just testing on the lowest configuration Win 95 with IE 4.0 and Netscape 4.08 is enough. That if it works at this level it should also work at the higher level. I'm not sure about this. What about different OS like 98, 2000, NT or ME. And what about new browsers like IE5.0. Does testing on the lowest ensure everything above will work? Or does it mean 90% of it should work. There is also a time issue involved so testing on every combination of OS and browsers type is not possible. Has any one else come across this risk. If so what have you done?

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