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How to Data Drive a Test Script using IBM – RFT

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Rational Robot @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: General-purpose test automation tool for QA teams who want to perform functional testing of client/server applications.
Printed Date: 19Mar2025 at 7:52am

Topic: How to Data Drive a Test Script using IBM – RFT
Posted By: yogindernath
Subject: How to Data Drive a Test Script using IBM – RFT
Date Posted: 22Feb2009 at 4:58am

This article presents a simple method of data driving IBM - RFT Test Script

Steps for data driving a script are as under:

Step – 1: Creation of a Project: Project is the first & foremost workbench required to store the test assets which are needed for testing any application.

Step – 2: Beginning of the test script recording: Involves two steps like:

a) Choice of Datapool record selection order: While playing back, the test script accesses various records in the datapool either sequentially or randomly. Thus choice out of these two options is done from the "Datapool Record Selection Order" box from the Select Script Assets dialog box.

# Sequential order: Records are accessed by the test script in a sequential order as they appear in the Datapool.

# Random order: Every record gets accessed by the test script randomly once from the Datapool.

b) Finish the selections: Click "Finish" to minimize the Functional Tester window and launching the Recording Monitor.

Step – 3: Navigation across the application to a point desired to be data driven:

# Click "Start Application" on the Recording toolbar.

# Now do necessary actions across the application as desired to be recorded in the test script.

Complete Article is available at

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