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Some roadmaps can also help achieve different obje

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Software Process Improvement
Forum Discription: It includes lots of process oriented things like requirements engineering, risk management, software peer reviews, project management, metrics, and process assessment etc.
Printed Date: 08Mar2025 at 3:19am

Topic: Some roadmaps can also help achieve different obje
Posted By: papri
Subject: Some roadmaps can also help achieve different obje
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 2:33am
For example,  two travellers may have the same destination (e.g., the goal to attend a family reunion in city XYZ) with different objectives: one traveller may desire the quickest route (hence, will use a roadmap indicating interstate highways) while the other traveller may want to visit friends on the way  (hence, will use a roadmap indicating routes to towns and cities)--note: some roadmaps will accomplish both set of objectives.

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