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testing interview questions

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Topic: testing interview questions
Posted By: gilbertsavier
Subject: testing interview questions
Date Posted: 08Jul2009 at 2:44am
What is the role of configuration controller in testing?
Role of configuration controller is important in the view of overall project and not in the view of testing . In other words role of configuration controller takes less importance with respect to testing artifacts but more importance with the version of source codes.

Assume that a tester finds a bug in version 4 of the AUT (Application under test) and devloper fixes it in version 5. In version 8 some other regression bug arises due to the initial bug found in version 4.

In this scenario if the version control is not proper then it would be difficult for the developer what are the overall changes happened between version 4 and version 5 which caused bug in version 8. (In this issue source code changes in version 6 7 should also be included).

On the other hand test case versioning is less relavant and can be managed by testers themselves.

Thanks & regards
Lokananth - Live Chat Software By miOOt

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