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Traceability Matrix

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Estimation and Planning
Forum Discription: Estimation and Planning are two of the most integral components of product development process.Proper planning prevents a project deviate from its desired goals.
Printed Date: 06Mar2025 at 1:24pm

Topic: Traceability Matrix
Posted By: Anulata
Subject: Traceability Matrix
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 1:57am
Please elaborate traceability matrix and how it relates with Testing

Posted By: Megha
Date Posted: 27Apr2007 at 5:38am
I am guessing you mean the Requirements Traceability matrix. If so, this contains a mapping

of the use cases, unit test cases and system test cases against the requirements. It could

be a 1-1 or 1-many mapping.

Posted By: nitendrak
Date Posted: 10Oct2007 at 11:21pm
Traceability matrix can also be for tracing the release to client,
define features of a module say ADD, EDIT or DELETE
define date of completion of these features and when this job will be released to client
One can maintain features of module, completion date n release date to client, or when particular function will be send to client with which release version. 

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