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Performance Validation Tool - HP Loadrunner

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Performance & Load Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Performance & Load Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 20Mar2025 at 3:49pm

Topic: Performance Validation Tool - HP Loadrunner
Posted By: yogindernath
Subject: Performance Validation Tool - HP Loadrunner
Date Posted: 02Mar2009 at 9:16am

Firstly let us try to understand as to why do the organizations need a tool like LoadRunner:

When a multi-user enterprise application is being deployed, no organization can think of taking risk of failure or inefficient performance thereby affecting the enterprise wide efficiency on one hand and damaging its reputation on the other.

LoadRunner is a well-known performance verification & validation tool designed for making accurate predictions of the actual performance and behavior of the application, thereby increasing our confidence in the reliability of the new system before it gets actually deployed.

LoadRunner is a performance validation tool especially created to readily provide answer to questions like:

1) Whether my application is able to handle the expected user load and more?

2) Whether my application is able to handle the number of transactions required by the business?

3) Whether my application is amply stable under expected and unexpected user loads?

Modus operandi of LoadRunner:
In real world scenario, it is not possible to create situation involving say one thousand users using a system simultaneously so as to test the behavior of the system under such stressful conditions. LoadRunner can create such a situation.

Complete article is available at:

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