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priority and severity?

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Topic: priority and severity?
Posted By: sai_nisha
Subject: priority and severity?
Date Posted: 16May2008 at 5:26am
What is the difference between priority and severity?


Posted By: lawrence
Date Posted: 23May2008 at 9:24am
Priority - urgency of fixing the bug
Severity - how much the bug will affect the application

Posted By: Jenellia
Date Posted: 27May2008 at 4:29am
We can say
Priority: The Urgency of fixing the Bug and This will be declared for the Developer. So it is in Developer Perspective
Sevearity: The effect of Bug for the client / Customer.How Severe the condition . What will be the cause effect of that to the total application.
This is the Customer Perspective.


Posted By: bothasaichander
Date Posted: 01Jun2008 at 2:05am
   this is sai am in serch of job on embedded systems can anyone help me in getting a job

Thanks & Regards
[email protected]

Posted By: aqeel
Date Posted: 06Jun2008 at 4:07am
Severity: This column tells the effect of that bug to the application. Usually it is given by the Testers. For this severity  various organizations follow different conventions
Priority: This column is filled by Test Lead he will consider the severity of the bug, Time Schedule, Risks associated with the project especially for that bug. Based on that he will give the Status to Priority Very High, High, Medium or Low based on the all aspects.

Posted By: jai_speed
Date Posted: 10Jun2008 at 10:06am
Priority--- It means which bug u need to fix first and
Severity--- means that how much the bug is affecting the functionality of the application.

Posted By: rekha_harsha
Date Posted: 17Aug2008 at 11:40pm
hi saichander

Why don't u post your resume in
It's a real time portal growing fast

good luck

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