Software Engineering Resources
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Versioning & Configuration Management @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: One Of The Biggest Problems in Product Developments where multiple Location, multiple Resources, and multiple Versions are very common.
Printed Date: 04Mar2025 at 3:54am
Topic: Software Engineering Resources
Posted By: sunita
Subject: Software Engineering Resources
Date Posted: 02Apr2007 at 4:00am
CM Crossroads
Contains the most comprehensive listing of SCM resources on the net, including links to the CM yellow pages. Highly recommended.
CM Resource Guide On-Line
Presents an array of hundreds of CM resources including articles, books, journals and newsletters, vendors, tools, and standards. Recommended.
CM Yellow Pages
Listings of books, resources, tools, organizations, and many other useful bits of CM information. Over 1200 links. Recommended.
AccuRev SCM Resources
Listings of books, resources, Webinars, tools, organizations, and other useful CM information.
SCM Resources - 1
A collection of SCM resources.
SCM Resources - 2
A small collection of SCM resources.
Brad Appleton's Software Configuration Management Links
A excellent compendium of resources including hundreds to links to CM Resources, CM Projects, Groups, and Conferences, CM Guides and Tutorials, CM Research Papers and Experience Reports, Commercial CM Vendors, Free CM Tools, Free Tracking Tools. Recommended.
SEI SCM Resources
Pointers to SEI publications on SCM and a few outside resources.