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A Road Map for Performance Testing: Provide Inform

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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Performance & Load Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Performance & Load Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 22Oct2024 at 11:19pm

Topic: A Road Map for Performance Testing: Provide Inform
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: A Road Map for Performance Testing: Provide Inform
Date Posted: 09Nov2009 at 12:46am
Page 1 of 3

This final article in our three-part series on testing for performance looks at test execution and results reporting. As a reminder, the Testing for Performance series is broken into the following parts:,289483,sid92_gci1298371,00.html - : Understand your content, the system, and figure out where to start,289483,sid92_gci1303733,00.html - : Stage the environments, identify data, building out the scripts, and calibrate your tests

Provide information: Run your tests, analyze results, make them meaningful to the team, and work through the tuning process

As we look at the steps required to provide performance-related information, we will try to tie the artifacts and activities we use back to the work that we did in the earlier articles from this series. Often, as we execute our testing, our understanding of the problem space changes, becoming more (or sometimes less) detailed, and often we are required to reconsider some of the decisions we made before we got down into the details. Our tooling requirements can change, or our environment needs might expand or contract. As you execute your tests you learn a lot. It's important to recognize that it's OK for that learning to change your strategy, approach, tooling and data.

In this article we look at some of the last heuristics: execute, analyze, and report:

Execute: Continually validate the tests and environment, running new tests and archiving all of the data associated with test execution

Analyze: Look at test results and collected data to determine requirement compliance, track trends, detect bottlenecks, or evaluate the effectiveness of tuning efforts

Report: Provide clear and intuitive reports for the intended audience so that critical performance issues get resolved


Those three heuristics capture the essence of gathering, understanding and reporting performance information. You can't have a tool make sense of your results for you. You also can't have a tool communicate those results to the various project stakeholders in a meaningful way. That's where performance testers become more then just tool-jocks (people who are really good with tools, but not really good at thinking about how or why they use them).

Make sure everything is in place
In,289483,sid92_gci1303733,00.html -

Having a second checklist or a standard notification process for performance testing can help reduce embarrassing and frustrating oversights. Many mornings you will come in to find a full inbox because you failed to notify someone that you were load testing. You might also had to re-run tests because the right people weren't watching the system at the right time.

There are also some tasks you may need to repeat in between tests. A common task you will have to do for financial service applications is reset the test data. That could mean restoring databases, purging records, canceling pending transactions or updating user information back to a known state. In the past you must have also had to come up with new IP address ranges between runs, had to wait for open sessions to timeout, clear server cache, or restart services. Make sure you know what you need to "re-set" between runs so you can quickly and reliably make those updates.

Execute your tests and collect all the data
Executing your test could be as simple as scheduling some scripts and walking away, or it could be much more involved. Different tests can require different levels of interaction. Sometimes you might need to manually intervene during the test (clearing a file or log, kicking off additional scripts, or actively monitoring something), or you might just want to measure something manually using "wall-clock" time while the system is under load.

While tests are running, it can be helpful to monitor their execution. If there's a problem, many times you'll notice it soon enough to end the test run early and start it up again without having to reschedule execution. It can also be useful to watch streaming application logs, performance test data usage, and performance monitoring applications and utilities. Often, you'll - - saw a concerning pattern in the transaction timing, they would want to investigate why that is.

If the generated workload looked correct, they would then move on to looking at system performance characteristics. They would start with basics such as CPU and memory utilization for each sever involved, and move on to things like average queue depth and average message time spent in queue and how load balancing was distributed for the run. They are looking for anything that might be out of tolerance. Again, you may need to work with a cross-functional team to determine what those tolerances should be set to.

Finally, they will analyze the transaction response times. Often it can be useful to look at the response times captured in your performance scripts alongside response times from other monitoring tools (for example, Introscope or WhatsUp Gold). They move most data into Excel so they can manipulate it at will. (Don't forget to save the original before you edit.) There they will look for trends and patterns in the average, max, min and percentile response times. When they examine response times, they are often looking for the time measured to either trend towards or away from a performance objective (target numbers, SLAs or hard limits like timeouts), or they are looking for something inconsistent with past performance history.

As they look at the results, they will often create a list of things that appear interesting to them or a list of any questions they might have. This list becomes useful as they think about the next test they want to run. It also helps when they interact with other team members (since it is impossible to remember the minute details of the results).

Report your results
The performance tester becomes a very popular person once he starts execution tests. Everyone wants to know about those test results, and they want to know the minute the tests have been completed. There is a lot of pressure to get preliminary results public. Often this creates a dynamic where the performance tester doesn't want to share results because he doesn't yet understand them and doesn't want people to act on bad data, and a project team demanding results quickly, since performance testing is so critical and occurs so late in the project.

Two steps are recommended that can help you to deal with this situation. First, make your raw data available as soon as you get it all pulled together. Get in the habit of publishing the data in a common location (file share, CM tool, SharePoint, wiki, etc.) where at least the technical stakeholders can get to the data they may need to review. Second, hold a review meeting for the technical team shortly after the run. Hold it after you've done your preliminary checks to see if you even have results worth looking at, but before you do any in-depth analysis. It's at this meeting that you might coordinate a cross-functional team to dig into the logs, errors and response times.

Once you have completed any in-depth analysis and have findings to share, pull them together in a quick document and call together another meeting. Try not to provide results without two things:

A chance for me to editorialize on the data so people don't draw their own conclusions without understanding the context for the test

A chance for people to ask questions in real time

In the results, try to often include a summary of the test (model, scenarios, data, etc.), the version/configuration of the application tested, current results and how they trend to the targets, historical results, charts to illustrate key data, and a bulleted summary of findings, recommendations or next steps (if any). Only after a face-to-face meeting (or in preparation for a face-to-face meeting) that you should send out the results in an email.

If (for whatever reason) you can't pull everyone together for a results review, send your findings first to key technical stakeholders (DBAs, programmers, infrastructure, etc.) so they can add their analysis and comments. Even this simple step, while slowing things down only a little, may save you hours of heartache from misunderstandings on your part or the part of the reviewers.

The more times you iteration through execution and results reporting with a particular team or for a particular application or system, the easier and faster the process becomes. You develop heuristics and shortcuts for most things, and the time from test completion to interim results can be as short as a few hours if not minutes. Like anything, the more you do it, the better your apperception and the faster you become.

Likewise, you also can become sloppy if you get stuck in a routine. Make sure you have effective safeguards in place. Reporting inaccurate results or drawing false conclusions will happen, and most people won't hold it against you if you do it once or twice. But don't let it become a habit. If you continue to make those mistakes because of shortcuts, you'll quickly lose the respect and trust of the team. Without that, the work becomes more difficult and you become more ineffective.

At the end of this phase
At the end of this phase you should have an initial set of results to review with your team. You may not have your final results, but you should have some idea of what types of errors you're getting, whether your scripts are calibrated correctly, some preliminary response data, and an idea of system utilization under load. Going forward you need to constantly prioritize the next test to run, creating any new test assets as you move along. If you've done a good job of collecting your initial data and analyzing the results as you get them, you should be able to adapt rather quickly.

Here is a possible summary of some of the work products from the execution and reporting phase:

  • Checklists to support test execution
  • Performance test logs and baselines
  • Logged defects or performance issues
  • Lists for further investigation:
      • Errors (script, data, application, etc.)
      • High response times (database transactions, application events, end-user response times, etc.)
      • Unpredictable behavior (queue depth, load balancing, server utilization, etc.)
      • Open questions on architecture or infrastructure
  • Interim or final performance test result documents
  • Updated documents from the assessment phase (strategy, diagrams, usage models and test ideas lists)
  • Updated assets from the build out phase (scripts, environments, tools, data, etc.)

If you were in a contract-heavy or highly formalized project environment, you might be done after this phase or you might carry work over into another iteration, statement or work, or formal tuning phase. If you were in a more agile environment, you are now ready to dig in, get dirty, and start performance tuning or debugging any of the more problematic issues identified. The important point to remember is that this phase is about manipulation, observation and making sense of the information you gather. You move freely along the continuum of data generation, data gathering and data analysis.

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