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TestDirector with QTP settings

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: TestDirector @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: TestDirector is a single, Web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management.
Printed Date: 18Dec2024 at 12:41am

Topic: TestDirector with QTP settings
Posted By: smita
Subject: TestDirector with QTP settings
Date Posted: 24Apr2007 at 10:32pm

TestDirector which I am using is on server. I am accessing it by IE. its address is like "http://usspap41/tdbin/"

and QTP concurrent server is on diffrent m/c its name is 'usspxx68'.

and QTP client is installed on my local machine.

We have QTP 9.0 and TestDirector 9.0 SP2 .

I am working with SAP windows client 640

SAP addin for QTP is already installed.When I open QTP from start->program files->mercury. SAP add-in is enabled on the QTP.

But when I open QTP from Testdirector I cant see SAP addin. It is not showing SAP addin enabled.

Can you tell me how to solve the problem?

Posted By: sowmick
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 2:12am
The problem here is "Bussiness Process Testing License". You need to have this. In QTP an

application area should be created when working from TD. This application area, will contain

the setups for what add-in that need to be included.The User can Edit it. To create an

application area , you need to have, the above said licence. When u intiate a test from QTP,

only the web plug is loaded. Not others, even though u have all the add-ins individually

installed on the machine.

If you have the licence, then start creating one. When create a QTP test in TD, it may ask ,

which application area to be selected. In older version, it is called templates. U need to

connect to TD , when u create Application area in QTP.

This observation is made by going through the manuals of individual applications. Please do

consider this as a final option. Keep trying, u may come up with another break through.

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