Software Component & Unit Testing Tool
As the central building blocks of SOA-based applications, server-side
software components such as Web services are key to application
quality. SilkPerformer® SOA Edition from Borland provides software
component and unit testing capabilities for optimizing the three major
quality aspects of critical SOA components early in the application
lifecycle - even before client applications are available:
regular unit testing tools, SilkPerformer SOA Edition tests Web
services, EJBs, and .NET server components under realistic server
conditions by exposing them to concurrent user access. What's more, its
visual scripting technology and script import wizards are quick and
easy to use. As a result, even non-programmers can detect potential
problems that occur only under real-world conditions … resolve issues
early in development before they become costly realities … and release
high quality applications on time.
Powerful, easy-to-use tool tests the functionality, performance and
interoperability of remote components under concurrent access
- Visual scripting technology enables
non-programmers to create and execute tests; alternatively developers
can build tests using Javaâ„¢ or .NET programming languages
- Java/.NET Explorer and JUnit/NUnit test
importer simplify early load testing of remote application components
(such as Web services, EJBs, .NET, COM server components)
- Advanced wizards provide a simple
point-and-click approach to accessing components and customizing test
parameters with random values
Visual interface allows debugging during scripting to accelerate test generation
Point-and-click support for complex method parameters makes it easy to test even the most sophisticated transactions
Model-driven approach to test case definition makes it easy to build meaningful test cases
Embedded Java and .NET frameworks let you reuse JUnit or NUnit test
cases from development to streamline concurrency testing
- Dual approach to testing delineates QA
and development tasks and defines interfaces for each, simplifying
cross-department communication
- Open plug-in framework for 3rd party
code-level diagnostics tools to provide top-down analysis of errors and
performance problems starting from the end user view down to the
individual component/line of the application code
- Integration with StarTeam® from within
the SilkPerformer Workbench GUI to manage, share, and control
versioning of SilkPerformer test assets such as project files and test