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How do we record a script using RFT

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Rational Robot @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: General-purpose test automation tool for QA teams who want to perform functional testing of client/server applications.
Printed Date: 16Mar2025 at 4:17pm

Topic: How do we record a script using RFT
Posted By: yogindernath
Subject: How do we record a script using RFT
Date Posted: 16Jan2009 at 7:50am

How do we record a script using Rational Functional Tester - RFT?

This article describes a method of recording a script in Rational Functional Tester – RFT from IBM.

Step - 1: Setting of the recording options.

Click "Window" > "Preferences" to access the RFT options. In the tree hierarchy, click the plus sign (+) on the side of "Functional Tester " to expand the preferences. Define the desired recording options. Close the preferences after completion.

Step - 2: Click the "Record a Functional Test Script" button or click "File" > "New" > "Functional Test Script Using Recorder". The "Record a Functional Test Script" dialog box opens.

Step - 3: In the "Record a Functional Test Script" dialog box, select the project to which the new script shall be associated. Provide a name for the new script. The script name should not contain space or special characters like : $ \ / : & * ? " < > | # % -

Step - 4: In case it is required to keep the script under source control, Check mark "Add the script to Source Control". This will add the script to "ClearCase", however the script shall remain checked out and we are able to make changes in it.

Step - 5:
a) Click "Finish" to open the Recording Monitor & start the recording.

RFT will create a local object map for our script by default.

b) Click "Next" to open the "Select Script Assets page", In case we wish to use a different test object map, helper superclass, or test datapool.

c) From the "Select Script Assets page", we can define the datapool record selection order and we can also change the datapool associated with the script.

Step - 6: Upon opening of the Recording Monitor and starting of the recording after Step -5, Click the "Display Help" icon for getting information on the toolbar buttons and regarding operation of the monitor.

Step - 7: Click the "Start Application" button on the "Recording" toolbar to start the test application. Perform the desired actions on the running application.

Please continue reading of the remaining article and access Hundreds of High Quality Interview Preparation Questions, Tutorials on IBM RFT - Rational Functional Tester at >>>>>>>>>

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