Quality Plan.
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Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Software Process Improvement
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Printed Date: 08Mar2025 at 5:05am
Topic: Quality Plan.
Posted By: Anusree_ghosh
Subject: Quality Plan.
Date Posted: 07May2007 at 2:46am
The Quality Plan defines how quality will be built in. This following guidelines are to the key parts of the Quality Plan.
Introduction Make a point of stating what phase the project is in - remember that the Quality Plan may need updating at future phases State related documentation - if none, query whether you are writing too early, or whether quality already going wrong.
Quality Objectives Define what the quality objectives are Each objective must be S.M.A.R.T., i.e. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely
The following are examples of types of Quality Objectives: * Conformance to Requirements * Security * Auditability * Performance * Operability * Flexibility * Maintainability
Roles and Responsibilities Define who is in the project team, what their role is and what they own
Define what will be produced, by whom Determine what roles are required, minimum of : * Project Board * Project Manager * Sponsor * Support Manager * Test Manager
Deliverables Need a full list of all project deliverables, who will produce them, who will signoff and the purpose of signoff. Each project will need at least: * Project Initiation Document * Requirements Specification * Functional Specification * Project Plan * Quality Plan * Test Plan Each deliverable will required to be signed off. It is important to document what signoff means for each role and for each document Following are a list of typical types of signoffs: * Business Signoff - "I agree that you have met my needs" * Managerial Signoff - "I agree with your approach and will support it" * Signoff to provide resources - "I agree to provide you with people/equipment when you need it" * Signoff to actions - "I agree to perform the actions you have requested by the dates you need" * Report Signoff - "I agree that you have accurately reported events"
Project Processes For most projects the processes described in the process manual will be used, however, as not all projects are the same, there is a need, at the Quality Plan stage, to determine which processes are applicable to this project, which will not be used and which will be used but will need to be modified (for this project only). Therefore, the Quality Plan defines: * Which processes will be used for this project * What extra processes are required * Which "standard" processes will not be used, or will be modified * To what level will the process be used * Who will manage the process * What tools will be used
How the project will be managed:
An important part of managing Quality is how the project as a whole will be managed, so the following needs defining:
* Project Controls * Project Reporting * Project Meetings * Project Records * Project Assurance * Post Implementation Review
The final act is for the Author to include, or ensure the inclusion of all the quality activities described in the Quality Plan on the Project Plan. These activities must be monitored as every other activity