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Test-Cases Real Time Questions and Answers!!!!

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Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
Printed Date: 24Jun2024 at 8:02pm

Topic: Test-Cases Real Time Questions and Answers!!!!
Posted By: Suparna
Subject: Test-Cases Real Time Questions and Answers!!!!
Date Posted: 12Jun2007 at 12:38am

1. Describe to me the Software Development Life Cycle as you would define it.

The SDLC is divided into 6 stages
1)intialphase or requirement phase
2)analysis phase
3)design phase
4)coding phase
5)devolopment phase
6)deployment and maintainence phase

2. write a test case on web login and bank application and client server?

# 1    a)    Enter the URL check the login page open or
b)    Default focus should be on user name
c)    Pass word should be encrypt ional format or not
d)    Pass word should not get copy or not (that is
ctrl+c, mouse right click, edit have copy disable not work)
e)    Input domain testing on user name (that is boundary
value analysis)
f)    Input domain testing on pass word (that is boundary
value analysis)
g)    Properties check on buttons (that is able or
disable or not)
h)    Functionality check on the buttons (it work correct
or not)
i)    Authorization testing (that is valid or invalid
values are allow or not)
j)    Ceysincitive check on the login page (that is allow
the cap or small letters)
k)    After the sing out login come back to your previous
page login is must and should expired text.
l)    Enter into the after login page copy the URL and
click after on the logout past the URL then open should not
m)    Check the assignation time with respect to client
n)    Check the cockers
o)    Check the single user or multi-user are use
p)    Check the usability of the login page
q)    Under usability look and fell, spieling mistakes,
colures, font sieges and so on.

3.  wirte the test cases for triangle by using testing techniques?

a) 1st check the all sides are equal or not
b) If the all sides are equal then it is the equal triangle or that is scalene triangle
c) Check the all angles or equal or not.
d) This types of all.

4. write the test cases for date month and year field by using testing techniques?

 we can write test cases for date month and year as
1 date/month/year
2 date-month-year

examples :
      date should be 2 characters,year should be 2
characters ,and year should be 4 characters these r the
possible test conditions.

5. write case for petrol pump?

verify whether the meter is at zero,
verify whether the meter is working correctly or not
according to the settings,
verify whether the petrol or diesel pumped correctly or not,
verify money meter whether it is working correctly or not,

6. For example out of 100 test cases if I ask you to automate how many you can automate?

Procudure fors  convension of  test cases in to automated
testscripts, as follows
1.Select a test case,
  Study the testing procedure,
  Record the script according to test procedure,
  Insert Check points whereever we want to check the
  expected and actual values,
  Upload the testscript in to testscript management tool.
2.Another method for experienced software automated  
  testers  is
  Descrptive Programming(DP).
  In this tester will write the test script by looking at
  testprocedure of testcase.
  It is very advanced one,which saves testscript generation
Do rememeber one thing for record and playback script
generation we need complete stable build for script

But in the case of Descriptive programming no need of
complete stable build.

So Descriptive Programming saves lots of test development
and also one more importent thing is frame work
implementaion for automation.

7. How do you differentiate the roles of Quality Assurance Manager and Project?

Quality Assurance Manager does the Marketing for the
product. Sells the product before its even completed.
He basically Assures the customer of a Quality Product.
Whereas a Project Manager gathers customer specification
through his QA manager and develops the product from start
to finish with his team and ensures that the product which
is to be rolled out is Defect free (i.e. readily useable).
The Project Manager should pay back the faith of his QA
Manager in selling the project to the customer.

8.  What are the properties of a good requirement?

A Requirement should not be changed frequently

A requirement should be clear

A requirement should be complete.

It should fulfill all the needs of customer.

9. what is difference between GUI Map and GUI Map file?

The GUI map is actually the sum of one or more GUI map
files. There are two modes for organizing GUI map files.
1. Global GUI Map file: a single GUI Map file for the
entire application
2. GUI Map File per Test: WinRunner automatically creates a
GUI Map file for each test created.

GUI Map file is a file which contains the windows and the
objects learned by the WinRunner with its logical name and
their physical description.

10.  Testcases for waterbottle?

1. we have to check whether the bottle has any leackages or
2.we have to see tht the bottle cap is exactly fitting or
3.we have to check the quality of the bottle
4.we have to check whether it can hold full bottle of water
or noly half bottle
5.we can even check the colour
6.we can even check the brand name
7.check whether the bottle colour and the cap colour r same
8.if we through the bottle from a height then chek the
strong ness of the bottle
9. if we through an empty bottle then check the strong ness
of the bottle
10.check whether any others bottle cap is sutiable for this
11. when u pour hot water check at up to what extent it can
be strong.

11.Describe to me the difference between validation and


*it is the process of evaluating the software in order to  
determine that the software in the given phase satisfy the
condition which was imposed at the beging of the phase.
* Non execution base.
*coulld be conducted either during any phase or end of the
* may be carried out through review(Walk through ,
* it is the process of evaluating the software to determine
the degree through which software meets the user
*Generally being conducted after varification.

12. what is the purpose of writing testcases?

Test Cases is nothing but an action performed on the
application with some input to test the functionality, its
usually a step by step procedure.
           The main purpose of test case is not to miss
Testing of any functionality and Requirement.As it is
performed in a sequential way,one step by step the second
step would be relevant to the previous one so there wont be
any chace for the tester to miss any requiremnt or

13. when we should start writing test cases?

It wil depends.But mostly..When the requirement specifications are
complted.We can start writing Test Cases in parrelel with Design
phase itself.(but make sure u understand the requirements

14.Test cases on uplaoding files?

For a single file.
1.Check that how many current records/files are there.
2.Click on add/Upload button by selecting a file.
3.Once again check for the number of records prasent.Check
for that has newly uploded file for updatation.
U can do checking for multiple files updatation.
Select a file which is already uploaded and click on Upload
Check the application behavior(Like  It should display a
message that the selected file already uploaded.

15. what will be the test case for Lift?

Positive Test Cases:
1.Checking the Functionality of Lift by Pressing appropriate
(The lift should goto the respective floor accordingly)
2.Checking the Functionality of Infrastructure like
Doors(grills), light, bell.
Negative Test Cases:
1.Pressing downward button when lift is going up.

16.  Test case for coffee machine?

1. It should have correct mix of tea powder,sugar and milk.
2. Tea/coffe should be comfortable hot to drink.
3.Tea/coffe should fill cup correctly.
4. What ever u press like tea, milk, coffee, it should give
the same.

I these are the function test cases for coffee machine.

17.  How will you review test cases?

First of all u will desigin the testcase as for client
requirements,after that u can  start peer to peer
review ,that means u can cheque all functionality will be
cover as for client requirements or not,and miss any data
enter into testcase as for requirement.tracablity matrix
prepare as for requirements,that give a map between
testcase to specifications.The templet of matrix is,
specification document name,specificatin no;,testcase
documentname,testcase no.

18. How to execute test cases written in excelsheet?

If it is manual testing then u have to follow the steps one
by one in the test case then u have to check the expected
results with actual result.

19. write the system testcase and functional testcase for the below scenario scenario: view the balance in online account?

These should be test cases

1.User should be login into the account with valid user id
and password.
2. After login into the system there should be an option for
checking the balance.
3.After choosing that option balance status should be
visible to the user.
4.After viewing the balance there should be an option for
logout from the account.
5.Choosing the option for Logout user should be successfully
logout from the system.

20. Write test case for a search engine?

1. select the option in wich you want to see your search
result. like Web, Images etc.

2.Type the desired keyword in the search window.

3.and press the search button.

4.all the search results displayed on the window.


Posted By: anandamalan
Date Posted: 31Jul2007 at 5:01am
Good Work and nice Collection of Questions and Answers, Congrats Sugarna.

Anand Amalan M.R.
QA Analyst

Posted By: rk_sep2
Date Posted: 20Aug2007 at 6:55am

They r indeed helpful for beginners like me. as in class we r not doing much of practical work.

kamal rawat

Posted By: dsk@tools
Date Posted: 06Sep2007 at 6:15am
hi suprana ji
thanks for your testcases and pls send some

Posted By: ram_reddy
Date Posted: 18Sep2007 at 1:50am
really these are very good one and usefull

Posted By: chaitanyaedula
Date Posted: 09Oct2007 at 7:59pm
good 1

Posted By: shreekant.sqt
Date Posted: 31Oct2007 at 1:09am
it's a really good. if u have more,plz  send it

Posted By: natarajan7662@g
Date Posted: 01Nov2007 at 3:56pm
Excellent Collection, Its Very Helpful, Good Job

Posted By: romal
Date Posted: 28Nov2007 at 11:34am

I think in SDLC one of the important stage is missing, can anybody point it out?
I guess it's intentionally done by Suparna, so that testers (like us) finds the defect.....Smile


Posted By: kaushal
Date Posted: 29Nov2007 at 6:20am
Thanks Suparna
It is very helpful to me.

Posted By: sushmaathicom
Date Posted: 12Dec2007 at 6:53am
Thanks Suparna
It very useful  . Good job

hi Romal
the missing stage in the SDLC is our phase only i.e Testing which should be after Coding.

Posted By: prernakanwar
Date Posted: 01Jan2008 at 1:30am
yes you r phase of testing is place of development phase it should be testing phase....
correct me if i m wrong
Happy new year
tak care


Posted By: Praraj
Date Posted: 07Jan2008 at 1:39pm
It's always good to teach by giving real kind of example ...I like. if someone makes the topic interesting with giving real example for writing test cases...Smile

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