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Memory Leak testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Software Process Improvement
Forum Discription: It includes lots of process oriented things like requirements engineering, risk management, software peer reviews, project management, metrics, and process assessment etc.
Printed Date: 10Mar2025 at 12:10am

Topic: Memory Leak testing
Posted By: Udipti_89
Subject: Memory Leak testing
Date Posted: 07May2007 at 3:13am
Memory leak testing is rather tricky. What platform and type of application is it?
Tools to see how much memory is being used by a process differ with the O/S. top works well in the UNIX world and the task manager works well in NT/2000. Looking at available memory does not help much. Both of these O/S's do a lot with virtual memory, multi tasking, background cleanup, etc., that this measure does not tell one very much. Java applications also pose an interesting problem it that the virtual machine will allocate memory, but the application will then use this allocated memory. The O/S memory tools will not detect any memory usage. I have used memory leak detection tools as a QA engineer. For the most part, they are not terribly dificult to implement. The advantage of QA doing this testing is that we are more experienced in finding our way through an application than most developers. I worked at a company where the dev staff had the tools, but could not determine whow the memory was being lost. It turned out that memory was not released when the user hit the cancel button, rather than the ok.

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