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Childobjects function for WebEdit

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Printed Date: 22Mar2025 at 6:53pm

Topic: Childobjects function for WebEdit
Posted By: laboni
Subject: Childobjects function for WebEdit
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 4:43am

I have the following function using childobjects to enter text in an edit box. However, when executed I get an error on the oChildren(intCounter).Set "something" line stating that the object does not support the property or method .Set.

What am I doing wrong?

Function EditEnterText(strObjectName, strText)
Dim oDesc, oChildren, intCounter, strType
Set oDesc = Description.Create
oDesc("micClass").value = "WebEdit"
Set oChildren=Browser("micClass:=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page").ChildObjects(oDesc(0))
For intCounter = 0 To oChildren.Count - 1
strType = oChildren(intCounter).GetROProperty("name")
If strType = strObjectName Then
MsgBox intCounter
oChildren(intCounter).Set "something"
End If
End function

Posted By: anjan
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 5:24am
Set oChildren=Browser("micClass:=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page").ChildObjects(oDesc)

Try this:

Function EditEnterText(strObjectName, strText)
Dim oDesc, oChildren, intCounter
Set oDesc = Description.Create
oDesc("micClass").value = "WebEdit"
Set oChildren=Browser("micClass:=Browser").Page("micClass:=Page").ChildObjects(oDesc)
For intCounter = 0 To oChildren.Count - 1
If strObjectName =oChildren(intCounter).GetROProperty("name") Then
oChildren(intCounter).Set strText
Exit For
End If
End function

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