How To Write a Good Bug Report
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Defect Management@ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Defect is the worst Nightmare of any Testing Engineer and is basically the elimination of bugs in software and flaws in hardware.
Printed Date: 22Mar2025 at 10:48am
Topic: How To Write a Good Bug Report
Posted By: annu_420
Subject: How To Write a Good Bug Report
Date Posted: 07May2007 at 5:09am
I didn't see a lot of earth shattering stuff there. Mostly common sense when writing ANY type of report.
I didn't see things I would expect to see in a bug report: 1. Name of application 2.
Build number - very important. If the bug is in build 3, fixed in build
4 and we are on build 6, not much sense in trying to reproduce the bug. 3. Any sort of environmental settings that are needed to reproduce the bug - e.g. "it only works in IE6, but crashes in IE7" 4. Any sort of data needed to reproduce the bug.
Posted By: praveen.1781
Date Posted: 30Oct2007 at 5:53am
The effective bug report involves the Bug Id, Product ,Component, The Severity of the bug, The priority of the bug, The Screen shots of the URL where the bug is encountered and the logs supporting the report, The Detailed Document Report and the Environmental Conditions under which the bug is encountered, details of the person who raised the bug.