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test data generation for unit or integration testi

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Unit Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Unit Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 22Mar2025 at 4:36am

Topic: test data generation for unit or integration testi
Posted By: vidhya
Subject: test data generation for unit or integration testi
Date Posted: 28Mar2007 at 3:43am
I am making a unit/integraion test tool, for J2EE environment. We are using hibernate and spring tecniques for data persisting. What is actual Unit????. In literature they talk about sigle class as unit. Should we test all classes and their methods. If we generate kind of black box tests for example three classes cluster? or shoud all test be sigle classes sigle method?

I think of generating test pojo from database, is this possible? for example say: "generate pojo with fields, wich setter values are in database"?

Does anyone have experience in this??

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