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Manual Testing Interview Questions with Answers

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Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Manual Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Manual Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 25Mar2025 at 5:22pm

Topic: Manual Testing Interview Questions with Answers
Posted By: Arati
Subject: Manual Testing Interview Questions with Answers
Date Posted: 20May2007 at 9:51pm
1. What is TRM?

TRM means Test Responsibility Matrix.

TRM: — It indicates mapping between test factors and development stages…

Test factors like:
Ease of use, reliability, portability, authorization, access control, audit trail, ease of operates, maintainable… Like dat…

Development stages…

Requirement gathering, Analysis, design, coding, testing, and maintenance

2. What is Six sigma? Explain.

Six Sigma:

A quality discipline that focuses on product and service excellence to create a culture that demands perfection on target, every time.

Six Sigma quality levels
Produces 99.9997% accuracy, with only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

Six Sigma is designed to dramatically upgrade a company’s performance, improving quality and productivity. Using existing products, processes, and service standards,
They go for Six Sigma MAIC methodology to upgrade performance.

MAIC is defined as follows:

Measure:  Gather the right data to accurately assess a problem.
Analyze:  Use statistical tools to correctly identify the root causes of a problem.
Improve:  Correct the problem (not the symptom).
Control:  Put a plan in place to make sure problems stay fixed and sustain the gains.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

The key roles in all Six Sigma efforts are as follows:

Sponsor:  Business executive leading the organization.
Champion:  Responsible for Six Sigma strategy, deployment, and vision.
Process Owner:  Owner of the process, product, or service being improved responsible for long-term sustainable gains.
Master Black Belts:  Coach black belts expert in all statistical tools.
Black Belts:  Work on 3 to 5 $250,000-per-year projects; create $1 million per year in value.
Green Belts:  Work with black belt on projects.

3. What are the main bugs which were identified by you and in that how many are considered as real bugs?

If you take one screen, let’s say, it has got 50 Test conditions, out of which, I have identified 5 defects which are failed. I should give the description defect, severity and defect classfication. All the defects will be considered.

Defect Classification are:
GRP    :    Graphical Representation
LOG    :    Logical Error
DSN    :    Design Error
STD    :    Standard Error
TST    :    Wrong Test case
TYP    :    Typographical Error (Cosmotic Error)

4. What is Software reliability?

It is the probability that software will work without failure for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Reliability of software is measured in terms of Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF).

For eg if MTBF = 10000 hours for an average software, then it should not fail for 10000 hours of continous operation.

5. What are the main key components in Web applications and client and Server applications? (differences)

For Web Applications:  Web application can be implemented using any kind of technology like Java, .NET, VB, ASP, CGI& PERL. Based on the technology,We can derive the components.

Let’s take  Java Web Application. It can be implemented in 3 tier architecture.  Presentation tier (jsp, html, dthml,servlets, struts). Busienss Tier (Java Beans, EJB, JMS) Data Tier(Databases like Oracle,  SQL Server etc., )

If you take .NET Application, Presentation (ASP, HTML, DHTML), Business Tier (DLL) & Data Tier ( Database like Oracle, SQL Server etc.,)

Client Server Applications:  It will have only 2 tiers.  One is Presentation (Java, Swing) and Data Tier (Oracle, SQL Server).  If it is client Server architecture, the entire application has to be installed on the client machine. When ever you do any changes in your code, Again, It has to be installed on all the client machines. Where as in Web Applications, Core Application will reside on the server and client can be thin Client(browser). Whatever the changes you do, you have to install the application in the server. NO need to worry about the clients. Because, You will not install any thing on the client machine.

6.  In what basis you will write test cases?

I would write the Test cases based on Functional Specifications and BRDs and some more test cases using the Domain knowledge.

7.  What is the minimum criteria for white box?

We should know the logic, code and the structure of the program or function. Internal knowledge of the application how the system works what’s the logic behind it and structure how it should react to particular action.

8.  Why we perform stress-testing, resolution-testing and cross- browser testing?

Stress Testing: - We need to check the performance of the application.

Def: Testing conducted to evaluate a system or component at or beyond the limits of its specified requirements

Resolution Testing: - Some times developer created only for 1024 resolution, the same page displayed a horizontal scroll bar in 800 x 600 resolutions. No body can like the horizontal scroll appears in the screen. That is reason to test the Resolution testing.

Cross-browser Testing: - This testing some times called compatibility testing. When we develop the pages in IE compatible, the same page is not working in Fairfox or Netscape properly, because most of the scripts are not supporting to other than IE. So that we need to test the cross-browser Testing

There are two sand clocks(timers) one complete totally in 7 minutes and other in 9-minutes we have to calculate with this timers and bang the bell after completion of 11- minutes!plz give me the solution.
1. Start both clocks
2. When 7 min clock complete, turn it so that it restarts.
3. When 9 min clock finish, turn 7 min clocks (It has 2 mints only).
4. When 7 min clock finishes, 11 min complete.

9. What are the differences between these three words Error, Defect and Bug?

Error: The deviation from the required logic, syntax or standards/ethics is called as error.

There are three types of error. They are:
Syntax error (This is due to deviation from the syntax of the language what supposed to follow).
Logical error (This is due to deviation from the logic of the program what supposed to follow)
Execution error (This is generally happens when you are executing the same program, that time you get it.)
Defect: When an error found by the test engineer (testing department) then it is called

Bug: if the defect is agreed by the developer then it converts into bug, which has to fix by the developer or post pond to next version.

10. How many bugs will you find and what types are they?

The Bugs i find in a Day could be an User Interface defect Bug, boundary related, Database Related, Error Handling deffect, calculation deffectLoad conditions, hardware failures, Compatibility related.

11. What are non-functional requirements?

The non-functional requirements of a software product are: reliability, usability, efficiency, delivery time, software development environment, security requirements, standards to be followed etc.

12.  What is Test Server?

Test Server is nothing but the place where the developers put their development modules, which are accessed by the testers to test the functionality (Soft Base).

13. What is Test Data Collection?

Test data is the collection of input data taken for testing the application.  Various types and size of input data will be taken for testing the applications. Sometimes in critical application the test data collection will be given by the client also.

14. How u r breaking down the project among team members?

It can be depend on these following cases—-
1) Number of modules
2) Number of team members
3) Complexity of the Project
4) Time Duration of the project
5) Team member’s experience etc…

15. Diff. between STLC and SDLC?

STLC is software test life cycle it starts with
•    Preparing the test strategy.
•    Preparing the test plan.
•    Creating the test environment.
•    Writing the test cases.
•    Creating test scripts.
•    Executing the test scripts.
•    Analyzing the results and reporting the bugs.
•    Doing regression testing.
•    Test exiting.
SDLC is software or system development life cycle, phases are…
•    Project initiation.
•    Requirement gathering and documenting.
•    Designing.
•    Coding and unit testing.
•    Integration testing.
•    System testing.
•    Installation and acceptance testing.
•    Support or maintenance.

SCM and SQA will follow throughout the cycle.

16. What is Use case?

A simple flow between the end user and the system. It contains pre conditions, post conditions, normal flows and exceptions. It is done by Team Lead/Test Lead/Tester.

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