Metrics program - effectiveness
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Printed Date: 11Mar2025 at 5:37am
Topic: Metrics program - effectiveness
Posted By: Omprakash
Subject: Metrics program - effectiveness
Date Posted: 30Apr2007 at 5:01am
I feel that the Quantitative Management / Metrics program in many IT
Services has a few limitations. Though the concept is great & I
strongly believe in the same, I feel somewhere it does not head in a
right direction.
Some examples I have come across are -Many
seniors / management members find it difficult to accept out of control
limits. This results into all sorts of manipulations and data tweaking
done by subordinates and everyone tries to prove that they are in
limits. -Things may look great on paper and good within a
compartment, however there is no real attempt made to analyze and find
out the true end-to-end productivity (Which may not really be promising) -Data gets analyzed even if there isn’t sufficient number of meaningful data points. -Root cause is finally what the top authority person believes in no matter what the reality could be!
result is organizations keep building a weak foundation for metrics
program years after years. I am not sure how many of you would agree on
this point, but would like to know your views / experience.