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Mercury Test Director

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: TestDirector @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: TestDirector is a single, Web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management.
Printed Date: 25Mar2025 at 11:19am

Topic: Mercury Test Director
Posted By: vidhya
Subject: Mercury Test Director
Date Posted: 26Mar2007 at 9:15pm
Mercury TestDirector
  • Does your organization lack the software testing tools to deploy high-quality applications quickly and effectively?
  • Does your organization have the appropriate level of communication, organization, documentation, and structure in place for every testing project?
  • Do you have a consistent, repeatable testing process?
  • Are you leveraging strategic sourcing initiatives for quality assurance (QA)?

Mercury TestDirector™ for Quality Center allows you to deploy high-quality applications quickly and effectively by providing a consistent, repeatable process for gathering requirements, planning and scheduling tests, analyzing results, and managing defects and issues. TestDirector is a single, web-based application for all essential aspects of test management — Requirements Management, Test Plan, Test Lab, and Defects Management. You can leverage these core modules either as a standalone solution or integrated within a global Quality Center of Excellence environment.

Mercury TestDirector for Quality Center also enables your organization to digitize specific quality processes and procedures within the larger application lifecycle. With the integration with Mercury Project and Portfolio Management Center™, you can enforce quality processes for application changes or new projects.

Mercury TestDirector for Quality Center supports high levels of communication and collaboration among IT teams. Whether you are coordinating the work of many disparate QA teams, or working with a large, distributed Center of Excellence, this test management tool helps facilitate information access across geographical and organization boundaries.

In addition, Mercury TestDirector for Quality Center provides real-time visibility for inter-related quality assets. Requirements designed in the Requirements Manager can be tied to test cases, defects, or even instances of a test run for detailed traceability.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Test Management

Mercury Service Test Management™ automatically imports SOA services from the - Mercury Systinet Registry into Mercury Quality Center to create test requirements and plans. Once the services are imported, Mercury Service Test Management identifies any changes to the services and automatically generates the necessary test cases that need to be run.

Using TestDirector for Quality Center, multiple groups throughout your organization can contribute to the quality process:

  • Business analysts define application requirements and testing objectives.
  • Test managers and project leads design test plans and develop test cases.
  • Test managers automatically create QA testing requirements and test assets for SOA services and environments.
  • Test automation engineers create automated scripts and store them in the repository.
  • QA testers run manual and automated tests, report execution results, and enter defects.
  • Developers review and fix defects logged into the database.
  • Project managers can export test and resource data in various reports, or in native Microsoft Excel for analysis.
  • Product managers decide whether an application is ready to be released.
  • QA analysts can auto-generate test asset documentation in Microsoft Word format.

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