Creating VUser groups

- Select a load generator from the Load Generator Name list
- Select Add from the Load Generator Name list if the load required generator is not listed.
- Select a script from the script list
- Click OK to close the Add Group dialog box. The new group's properties appear in the Scenario Groups window
Configuring VUsers in Vuser Groups
Select the Vuser group whose Vusers are to be modified, and click
the Vusers button on the right of the Scenario Groups window. The
Vusers dialog box opens.
- Can change the Script
- Can change the Load Generator
- Can Add Vusers to the group

Configuring Load Generators
- Click the Generators button to open the Load Generator dialog box.
- Name, Status, Platform and Details of the Load Generators are displayed

Configuring Scripts
- Select the Vuser group whose script needs to be modified, and click
the Details button on the right of the Scenario Groups window
- Run-Time Settings from the Controller shows the setting of VuGen.
If these settings are modified from the Controller, LoadRunner runs the
script using the modified settings
- Edit scripts by clicking on View Scripts

Scheduling a Scenario
Select the Scenario Scheduling option
In the Ramp Up tab:
- Selecting Load all Virtual Users (Vusers) simultaneously will run all the Vusers at once.
- To gradually run the Vusers, select the number of Vusers to
begin running concurrently and the amount of time LoadRunner
has to wait between Vuser ramp ups.

To set the duration of the scenario, click the Duration tab
There are 3 choices
- Run until completion
- Specify the amount of time for which the scenario will run, once all the Vusers have been ramped up
- Run indefinitely
Selecting Initialize all Vusers before Ramp-Up, instructs LoadRunner to initialize Vusers before beginning to load them
Scheduling a Vuser group
After creating a Vuser group, the group’s script execution settings can be scheduled
Vuser group Execution Settings
- The amount of time after the start of the scenario that the group must wait before it starts running
- The number of Vusers that will run within a specified period of time
- The amount of time the group will run
- Select Schedule By Group to set the schedule for the Vuser group.
- The options are similar to that of scheduling the scenario

Running a Scenario
Two types of execution:
- Can run all the Vusers and Vuser groups in a scenario OR
- Can run the specific Vuser groups and Vusers
- When running the entire scenario, LoadRunner does not begin running Vusers until all of them have reached the ready state
- If individual groups or Vusers are run, LoadRunner runs the Vusers as soon as they reach the ready state
- Clicking the Start Scenario in the RUN tab of the Controller starts the execution of the Scenario
- Can Initialize, Stop, Pause and Reset Vuser groups
Monitoring a Scenario
- We can monitor scenario execution using the LoadRunner monitors.
Some of the monitors are
- Run-time
- Transaction
- System resource
- Web resource
- Web server resource
- Web application server resource
- Database server resource
- Network delay
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