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how to type a value in edit field?

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Forum Name: QuickTest Pro @ OneStopTesting
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Printed Date: 07Jul2024 at 11:10am

Topic: how to type a value in edit field?
Posted By: adela
Subject: how to type a value in edit field?
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 4:29am

I want to type a value in the edit field with out using Set Property i want to type some value in a edit field means how can i do that

Posted By: anish
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 5:20am
when i recorded in low level it is displaying like
Window("Microsoft Internet Explorer").WinObject("Internet Explorer_Server").Type "asd"

But iam using Descriptive

When i use Browser().Page().WebEdit().type "value"

It is showing Error "Expected identifier"

Posted By: pallavipagare
Date Posted: 26Jun2007 at 5:23am
object : WshShell object.
string :String value indicating the keystroke(s) you want to send

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