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Embedded Test Tools

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Mobile, PDAs & Embedded Systems Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Mobile, PDAs & Embedded Systems Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 24Oct2024 at 10:36pm

Topic: Embedded Test Tools
Posted By: Leela
Subject: Embedded Test Tools
Date Posted: 15May2007 at 5:14am
ProductVendorComments - Message Magic Elvior Tests embedded software components - processes, subsystems, etc. With MessageMagic, one can test a certain component by simulating its neighbour components. Contains tools for visualization of messages traffic (also ASN.1 messages) between the testable component and their simulated counterparts. - Reactis Tester Reactive Systems Generates comprehensive test suites from Simulink/Stateflow models. The test suites exercise large portions of the software under test while avoiding redundancy, thereby maximizing the probability of finding defects within the time available for software testing. The generated tests store model-generated outputs as well as inputs so that Tester-generated test harnesses can automatically check the correctness of source code implementations of models. - TBrun LDRA Automated unit testing tool for C/C++, C#, Ada83, Ada95, Java and Visual Basic. TBrun's functionality includes automatic test harness generation, automatic test stub generation and test documentation reporting, automatic generation of test data vectors for a robust test scenario, support of black-box and white-box testing, automatic host/target deployment on any embedded target board and across environments. - Tessy RazorCat Development Offers module testing of C code directly on the target system using standard debugging technology. It supports the whole unit testing cycle and works transparently on all supported target debuggers. - TestQuest Pro TestQuest Automated testing of any mobile device or application, tests the actual end-user experience, and allows testing of multiple devices, enabling end-to-end testing. - USBTester Jungo Software-only USB testing application tool that enables USB developers to quickly validate their USB devices for USB compatibility, Chapter-9 conformance, standard class driver functionality, performance and other relevant parameters. - VectorCAST Vector Software Vector Software's VectorCAST is a world-class integrated software test solution that automates the tasks associated with testing software components for C/C++, Embedded C++, and Ada83/Ada95 programs. Automation includes: complete test harness construction, test generation, test execution, code coverage analysis, regression testing and static measures for code complexity and basis path analysis. VectorCAST enables companies to significantly reduce the time, effort and cost to validate safety (DO-178B), mission, and business critical systems. VectorCAST is customized to the target CPU, cross compiler and run-time environments for leading embedded development tools from: Wind River Systems, Green Hills, TI, Rational, Cosmic, Tasking, Mentor Graphics, Analog Devices, and MetaWare.

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